An Introduction to Queueing Systems (Network and Systems Management)

Read [Sanjay K. Bose Book] An Introduction to Queueing Systems (Network and Systems Management) Online PDF eBook or Kindle ePUB free. An Introduction to Queueing Systems (Network and Systems Management) Whether it happens at the checkout counter in the supermarket or in accessing the Internet, the basic phenomenon of queueing arises whenever a shared facility needs to be accessed for service by a arge number of jobs or customers. Queueing is an aspect of modern life that we encounter at every step in our daily activities. Our study of queueing was basically motivated by its use in the study of communication systems and computer networks. The whole system may itself be modelled as a queueing net

An Introduction to Queueing Systems (Network and Systems Management)

Author :
Rating : 4.90 (709 Votes)
Asin : 0306467348
Format Type : paperback
Number of Pages : 288 Pages
Publish Date : 2015-03-13
Language : English


Good resource for queueing theory SM-NM Catboy This is a good book to have for queueing theory. The author's website, [], is also excellent. As expected, you need to have some math/statistics/probability background to fully understand the materials. If you don't have that, then it may be a difficult read for you. For people with good background, the book will be clear. For those who don't, it may not be so, since it's not exactly 100% step-by-step. Having said that, this book is proba

Whether it happens at the checkout counter in the supermarket or in accessing the Internet, the basic phenomenon of queueing arises whenever a shared facility needs to be accessed for service by a arge number of jobs or customers. Queueing is an aspect of modern life that we encounter at every step in our daily activities. Our study of queueing was basically motivated by its use in the study of communication systems and computer networks. The whole system may itself be modelled as a queueing network providing the required service to the messages, packets or cells that need to be carried. The study of queueing is important as it gravides both a theoretical background to the kind of service that we may expect from such a facility and the way in which the facility itself may be designed to provide some specified grade of service to its customers. Application of queueing theory provides the theoretical framework for the design and study of such networks. The various computers, routers and switches in such a network may be modelled as individual queues. Such a course would then provide the theoretical background on which a subsequent course on the performance modeHing and analysis of computer networks may be based.. The purpose of this book is to support a course on queueing systems at the senior undergraduate or graduate Ievels