Chant Made Simple - Second Edition

Read Chant Made Simple - Second Edition PDF by Robert Fowells eBook or Kindle ePUB Online free. Chant Made Simple - Second Edition But after the reforms of the Vatican II concils in the 1960s, chant went into disuse.Gregorian chant is back, and more popular than it has been in the last forty years. The purity and simplicity of Gregorian chant is what fed the musical and liturgical life of Christianity for more than a millennium before there were any Protestants. This handy book is for musicians of all denominations and levels of ability to sing chant, and to understand it more than ever before.New for the second edition of

Chant Made Simple - Second Edition

Author :
Rating : 4.77 (873 Votes)
Asin : 1557255296
Format Type : paperback
Number of Pages : 96 Pages
Publish Date : 2015-04-13
Language : English


From Library Journal Professor of Music Emeritus at California State Univ., Los Angeles, Fowells has written a superb brief guide to the singing, understanding, and interpretation of some of the most ancient music of the Christian church. Copyright 2000 Reed Business Information, Inc. Protestant himself, Fowells seeks to make the chants available to Protestant and Catholic churches, private worshippers, musicians, and choral directors. . Highly recommended. Fowells!s text provides an easily understood guide to the musical and esoteric meanings of the ancient cantillations, as well as 21 chants in notation, with a syllabized copy of the Latin texts

But after the reforms of the Vatican II concils in the 1960s, chant went into disuse.Gregorian chant is back, and more popular than it has been in the last forty years. The purity and simplicity of Gregorian chant is what fed the musical and liturgical life of Christianity for more than a millennium before there were any Protestants. This handy book is for musicians of all denominations and levels of ability to sing chant, and to understand it more than ever before.New for the second edition of this classic work are: an entirely new interior design that is easier to navigate and read, many additional chants, and historical and spiritual introductions to each of them.

Fowells is the founder of the renowned Los Angeles Gregorian Schola at California State University, where he is also Emeritus Professor of Music. Dr. Robert M.

May not get you singing but What excited me about this book when I first saw it was that it explains the old neumes - the signs over the text that bear no resemblance to our contemporary staff oriented notation. However, the greater value of this volume is the careful notes on performance that are provided for the chants. These notes are otherwise available only if you have a superb chant instructor - something many of us do not have access to. Even if you have no intestest in singing Gregorian chant, these notes teach you to listen well to chant.Th. Chant NOT Made Simple Unfortunately, there is nothing in this book that makes gregorian chant "simple".First, it is *very* short. A mere 57 pages in a smaller-than-average size book. Everything having to do with explaining chant notation is contained in Chant NOT Made Simple uc Unfortunately, there is nothing in this book that makes gregorian chant "simple".First, it is *very* short. A mere 57 pages in a smaller-than-average size book. Everything having to do with explaining chant notation is contained in 4 short pages (the "excerpt" has half of the entire explanation), and leaves a lot out. Latin pronunciation takes 2 pages. Learning to chant takes 2 pages. The explanation of the 8 gregorian "modes" takes up all of 3 sentences (compare that to the wikipedia entry). The entire rest of. short pages (the "excerpt" has half of the entire explanation), and leaves a lot out. Latin pronunciation takes 2 pages. Learning to chant takes 2 pages. The explanation of the 8 gregorian "modes" takes up all of 3 sentences (compare that to the wikipedia entry). The entire rest of. Not Simple, Not Helpful Simple? This is actually layman's attack on the old Solesmes method in order to advance, well, not much at all. He asserts the proposition that chant cannot be sight read by groups but rather that everyone must hang on every note of the director and mimic him. He further says that chant has no rhythm of its own. My goodness: it's a wonder anyone sings it at all! Indeed, he doesn't come anywhere close to describing how to sing a single one. He discusses some particular chants but never mentions where they fit in liturgy. H