Computers: Tools for an Information Age (8th Edition)

Read [H. L. Capron, J. A. Johnson Book] Computers: Tools for an Information Age (8th Edition) Online PDF eBook or Kindle ePUB free. Computers: Tools for an Information Age (8th Edition) Great for people who never understood the information age according to Jay. People who want to learn the big picture of the information age without digging to deep with technical details will enjoy this book. The book describes basic concepts of computers and their role in the information age. Plenty of good illustrations and the text is easy to read. Used for intro to computer science classes. However, Great for people who never understood the information age People who want to learn the big

Computers: Tools for an Information Age (8th Edition)

Author :
Rating : 4.73 (819 Votes)
Asin : 0131405640
Format Type : paperback
Number of Pages : 624 Pages
Publish Date : 2013-12-02
Language : English


This book is an excellent tool that users can rely on. For those seeking employment in the field of Information Technology, including database management and systems.. Coverage of microcomputers, midrange, and mainframe computer systems is included throughout the book, along with information about ethics, security, the internet, word processing, desktop publishing, networking, database management systems, and programming and languages. Its direct, complete presentation and easy-to-use style shows the latest in computers and allow

From the Back Cover This book is an excellent tool that users can rely on. Its direct, complete presentation and easy-to-use style shows the latest in computers and allows for quick grasp of the concepts presented. Coverage of microcomputers, midrange, and mainframe computer systems is included throughout the book, along with information about ethics, security, the internet, word processing, desktop publishing, networking, database management systems, and programming and languages. For those seeking employment in the field of Information Technology, including database management and systems.

"Great for people who never understood the information age" according to Jay. People who want to learn the big picture of the information age without digging to deep with technical details will enjoy this book. The book describes basic concepts of computers and their role in the information age. Plenty of good illustrations and the text is easy to read. Used for intro to computer science classes. However, Great for people who never understood the information age People who want to learn the big picture of the information age without digging to deep with technical details will enjoy this book. The book describes basic concepts of computers and their role in the information age. Plenty of good illustrations and the text is easy to read. Used for intro to computer science classes. However, 3 starts comes from the price vs value of content. Books that are required by schools tend to cost more.. starts comes from the price vs value of content. Books that are required by schools tend to cost more.. Ralph E. Duffy said THERE ARE MANY BETTER BOOKS. SAME OLD REHASH OF EARLIER EDITIONS.. A Customer said Author used copyrighted images without artist permission.. Capron never sought or obtained permission from the artists who's work he included in his book.Bad! Bad! No bisquit for you, Capron.