You've Gone Too Far This Time, Sir!

[Danny Bent] ↠ Youve Gone Too Far This Time, Sir! ✓ Read Online eBook or Kindle ePUB. Youve Gone Too Far This Time, Sir! Wet floor! Slip and fall down carefully! Whistlers Mom The author was a school teacher in England before he started his biking adventure. When he was particularly goofy, one of his students (an imperious ten-year-old female) would look at him sternly and say,Youve gone too far this time, sir! Sounds lik. Elisa Madera said time to read it but it was always a nice and enjoyable scape. It took me some time to read it but it was always a nice and enjoyable scape. Its inspiring!. Entertaining, Bu

You've Gone Too Far This Time, Sir!

Author :
Rating : 4.93 (972 Votes)
Asin : 0996015213
Format Type : paperback
Number of Pages : 298 Pages
Publish Date : 2014-06-14
Language : English


Motivating people to be the best version of themselves is Danny's passion and trade. He considers his positivity and smile his two greatest assets - he's a people person extraordinaire. Danny loves hugs. Living dreams, facing fears, and loving yourself, others and life with abandon are his tool kit

What better way to go about getting lots of hugs than travelling the world living your dreams and helping others live theirs? He competed for Great Britain at Triathlon, cycled to India on a whim, and set up the 'Live your dreams' foundation to raise funds for charity. Motivating people to be the best version of themselves is Danny's passion and trade. . Living dreams, facing fears, and loving yourself, others and life with abandon are his tool kit. He considers his positivity and smile his two greatest assets - he's a people person extraordinaire. About the Author Danny loves hugs. Danny writes books, climbs trees, breaks records, dances like a child and snorkels in bogs

Wet floor! Slip and fall down carefully! Whistlers Mom The author was a school teacher in England before he started his biking adventure. When he was particularly goofy, one of his students (an imperious ten-year-old female) would look at him sternly and say,"You've gone too far this time, sir!" Sounds lik. Elisa Madera said time to read it but it was always a nice and enjoyable scape. It took me some time to read it but it was always a nice and enjoyable scape. Its inspiring!. "Entertaining, But Needing an Editor" according to EnduroDoug. Danny's journey to India was filled with several very entertaining stories, and not a small amount of passion. I salute his effort and do recommend this book for light reading. Unfortunately, I found myself wondering how good it could have been with pr

For twenty years he had wanted to do something to raise money for charity. Danny turns the wheels, you turn the pages. Go for it, Danny.. What he had signed up for was slogging along roads with trucks bearing down on him, unable to see and choking in the smog; shooting down treacherous descents with 100 foot drops, shaking with cold and too numb to brake; muscle burn and saddle sores; delirium and food poisoning; thirst and malnutrition; foul and insanitary conditions; life-threatening crises; obstructive border guards, crazed dogs and inquisitive passers-by. And there's loads of fun and wonderment along the way too. 'You've Gone Too Far This Time, Sir!' is a real and compelling blow-by-blow account of Danny's trip across Europe, the former Soviet Republics, Russia, China, Pakistan and India. What a book! What a ride! Live your dream. The story is both heart-stopping and heart-warming. And what people he met! They are the true delight of this book, mostly charming, sometimes reckless, occasionally threatening, always unpredictable, and forever inviting Danny to be up for the challenge of entertaining them, in one instance by dancing in front of a packed stadium, in another by eating sheep's brains in a local night market. Have you ever woken up in the sultry heat of the morning, your hair and beard teeming with maggots? Have you ever felt the cold